A Safer Fargo
What is Fargo Measure 3?
Fargo Measure 3 is a critical initiative for enhancing public safety in our community.
Learn how this proposed 0.25% sales tax enhancement could strengthen our fire and police departments without increasing property taxes, ensuring a safer future for all Fargo residents and visitors.
Fargo Measure 3 is vital for the future of public safety in Fargo, as it directly impacts the funding for our fire and police departments. This measure is an investment in Fargo’s public safety without raising property taxes, ensuring that both residents and visitors continue to receive excellence from their firefighters and police officers.
Measure 3 proposes a 0.25 percent sales tax enhancement over the next 20 years. This rate is lower than the 0.5 percent sales tax currently in place for the West Fargo fire and police departments. The measure is expected to generate approximately $8 million annually for Fargo’s fire and police departments.
The revenue from this sales tax enhancement will primarily come from the visitors to our great city. These visitors come to our city and enjoy shopping, sporting events, education, and travel. This approach ensures that those who benefit from the protection of Fargo's emergency responders also contribute to sustaining that safety.
Currently, when measured as a percentage of the general fund, Fargo spends 6 percent to 23 percent less on fire and police services than neighboring cities like West Fargo, Moorhead, Grand Forks, and St. Cloud. By making this investment, we can close the gap and increase your safety.
While Fargo Firefighters Local 642 and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 1 can advocate for key issues like investing in Measure 3, the Fargo City Commission is ultimately responsible for allocating the funds. Every dollar raised by Measure 3 will go directly to supporting the fire and police departments.
We are committed to transparency and are happy to provide additional information. If you would like to discuss Measure 3 further, we are available to meet and answer any questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a discussion.
Measure 3 will play a significant role in maintaining the high level of service and protection that Fargo residents expect but, most importantly, deserve. It will help address the growing demand for services and support efforts to improve recruitment and retention within our public safety departments, ultimately leading to a safer Fargo.
Paid for by A Safer Fargo, 3001 1st Ave N. Fargo, ND 58102.
Eric Eisenlohr is responsible for answering communications on behalf of A Safer Fargo.